Zig Support plugin for IntelliJ and CLion version 0.0.7 released코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2022. 7. 29. 21:38
Zig Support plugin for IntelliJ and CLion version 0.0.7 released https://www.reddit.com/r/Zig/comments/waqlk9/zig_support_plugin_for_intellij_and_clion_version/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Zig Support plugin for IntelliJ and CLion version 0.0.7 released Posted in r/Zig by u/dh44t • 25 points and 6 comments www.reddit.com
On Transpilers (Zig/Rust/Go)❤️⭐️코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2022. 7. 27. 22:05
https://www.reddit.com/r/Zig/comments/w8u0r5/on_transpilers_zigrustgo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf On Transpilers (Zig/Rust/Go) Posted in r/Zig by u/zserge • 34 points and 5 comments www.reddit.com On Transpilers (Zig/Rust/Go)
yes command in Zig코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2022. 7. 24. 21:38
yes command in Zig Hi, I came across a [interesting post](https://endler.dev/2017/yes/) about how to optimize unix command `yes`, I rewrite the code in Zig. Is there any way to improve this code? ## First buffered version ```zig const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { const argv = std.os.argv; const output: []const u8 = if (argv.len > 1) argv.ptr[1][0..std.mem.len(argv.ptr[1])] else "y..
Zig translate-c and linking equal best friends코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2022. 7. 19. 21:45
Zig translate-c and linking equal best friends https://www.reddit.com/r/Zig/comments/w26590/zig_translatec_and_linking_equal_best_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Zig translate-c and linking equal best friends Posted in r/Zig by u/kassany • 23 points and 0 comments www.reddit.com
Zig debug setting코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2022. 7. 18. 20:32
https://zig.news/jarredsumner/setting-up-visual-studio-code-for-writing-zig-kcj Setting up Visual Studio Code for writing Zig If you're googling VSCode development environment Zig, this post should help. The first step is... zig.news https://github.com/zigtools/zls/wiki/Downloading-and-Building-ZLS GitHub - zigtools/zls: Zig LSP implementation + Zig Language Server Zig LSP implementation + Zig L..
zig) thoughts on array multiplication and array concat코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2022. 7. 13. 18:59
https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3879 thoughts on array multiplication and array concat · Issue #3879 · ziglang/zig This is just me reading the docs and providing very humble opinion. It throws me off that ++ and ** operators are compile-time only operators and only on arrays. I feel like @concat(arr1, arr2) and... github.com