Haskell Functional Reactive Programming framework with type-level clocks코딩Coding/Haskell하스켈_해스켈 2023. 5. 20. 09:20
https://github.com/turion/rhine GitHub - turion/rhine: Haskell Functional Reactive Programming framework with type-level clocks Haskell Functional Reactive Programming framework with type-level clocks - GitHub - turion/rhine: Haskell Functional Reactive Programming framework with type-level clocks github.com https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rhine rhine Functional Reactive Programming with typ..
Haskell in Production코딩Coding/Haskell하스켈_해스켈 2023. 4. 9. 22:24
https://serokell.io/blog/haskell-in-production-meta Haskell in Production: MetaIn this edition of our Haskell in Production series, we interview Simon Marlow, who's currently an engineer at the Code Search and Indexing team at Meta.serokell.io
GHC 9.6.1-rc1 is now available!코딩Coding/Haskell하스켈_해스켈 2023. 3. 5. 14:56
https://discourse.haskell.org/t/ghc-9-6-1-rc1-is-now-available/5914 GHC 9.6.1-rc1 is now available! The GHC team is very pleased to announce the availability of the first (and likely final) release candidate of GHC 9.6.1. As usual, binaries and source distributions are available at downloads.haskell.org. Beginning with GHC 9.6.1, GHC can be built as a cr discourse.haskell.org
7 things I learned from Haskell하스켈을 배우면 진정한 Functional Programming💕이 뭔지 제대로 이해하기코딩Coding/Haskell하스켈_해스켈 2022. 12. 16. 10:28
7 things I learned from Haskell Gil - 13/12/2022 - haskell https://gilmi.me/blog/post/2022/12/13/learned-from-haskell λm.me - 7 things I learned from Haskell This is a port of an older twitter thread, I thought it was worth having on my blog as well. Sometimes people say that learning Haskell changes the way you think, but they don't always say how or why. So here are 7 concrete things I learned..