Credit Suisse shares tank 10% on restructuring, capital concerns기업정보/(독일)_기업실적 2022. 10. 3. 18:17
Credit Suisse shares tank 10% on restructuring, capital concerns https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/03/credit-suisse-seeking-to-assure-investors-amid-financial-concerns-ft.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard Credit Suisse shares tank 10% on restructuring, capital concerns Credit Suisse executives are in talks with investors to reassure them amid rising concerns over t..
반값 전기차 나온다..유럽 2위 車회사 '스텔란티스', 배터리 가격 40% 절감 계획 발표기업정보/(독일)_기업실적 2021. 7. 9. 08:38
https://news.v.daum.net/v/20210709000551951 반값 전기차 나온다..유럽 2위 車회사 '스텔란티스', 배터리 가격 40% 절감 계획 발표 글로벌 4위이자 유럽 2위 자동차회사인 '스텔란티스'가 8일(현지시각) 'EV 데이 2021'을 열고 그룹의 미래 전동화 비전을 발표했다. 사진은 랭글러(Wrangler) 4xe /사진제공=스텔란티스글로벌 4위이자 news.v.daum.net
Deutsche Bank reports its best quarterly profit since the first quarter of 2014기업정보/(독일)_기업실적 2021. 4. 28. 14:19
Deutsche Bank reports its best quarterly profit since the first quarter of 2014 https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/28/deutsche-bank-earnings-q1-2021.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboardDeutsche Bank reports its best quarterly profit since the first quarter of 2014Deutsche Bank on Wednesday reported a 1.04 billion euro ($1.25 billion) profit for the first quarter, buoye..