emacs 오류 해결 project or it is blacklisted. #2392Emacs_Editor_IDE/emacs_기초상식❤️ 2022. 9. 9. 21:41
what 's the reason ? LSP :: one.py not in project or it is blacklisted. #2392 Make sure that you do not run with lsp-auto-guess-root set to t. Make sure that you havent blacklisted current folder accidentally, run M-x lsp-workspace-blacklist-remove run M-x lsp-workspace-blacklist-remove 이게 핵심 ㅎㅎㅎ 이걸로 블랙리스트 지워주니깐 다 해결 ㅋㅋ
Emacs❤️org-mode: Cookie updates and TODO/ Doing / DoneEmacs_Editor_IDE/emacs_기초상식❤️ 2022. 8. 23. 21:02
https://youtu.be/W9R_JXCWORI https://christiantietze.de/posts/2021/02/emacs-org-todo-doing-done-checkbox-cycling/ Emacs Org-Mode: Automatic Item TODO/DOING/DONE State Transitions for Checkbox Changes In Emacs org-mode, you start with two states for your outline headings by default to manage tasks: TODO and DONE. I recently introduced a new state in between: DOING. That helped me come back to stu..
Emacs❤️터미널에서 실행 할때 뒤에 - 넣어주고 내가 들어가고 싶은 모드 미리 입력할 수 있다 좋다. 👍Emacs_Editor_IDE/emacs_기초상식❤️ 2022. 8. 22. 05:38
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72842908/how-to-start-emacs-from-the-terminal-with-an-emacs-command-that-runs-soon-after How to start emacs from the terminal with an emacs command that runs soon after emacs is opened Is there a way to launch Emacs from terminal and execute some Emacs command automatically soon after Emacs is launched (the command to be executed inside of emacs is provided al..