C#❤️Unity❤️naming patterns 35분 44초GameDev.코딩Coding/변수❤️_naming_Pattern 2023. 2. 19. 12:29
C# public class MyCodeStyle : MonoBehaviour { // Constants: UpperCase SnakeCase public const int CONSTANT_FIELD = 56; // Properties: PascalCase public static MyCodeStyle Instance { get; private set; }; // Events: PascalCase public event EventHandler OnSomethingHappened; // Fields: canelCase private float memberVariable; // Function Names: PascalCase private void Awake() { Instance = this; DoSome..
Rust_Design_Patters❤️Introduciton코딩Coding/변수❤️_naming_Pattern 2022. 5. 1. 01:31
https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/intro.html Introduction - Rust Design Patterns If you are interested in contributing to this book, check out the contribution guidelines. In software development, we often come across problems that share similarities regardless of the environment they appear in. Although the implementation details are rust-unofficial.github.io
Rust_naming❤️Rust API Guidelines코딩Coding/변수❤️_naming_Pattern 2022. 5. 1. 01:26
https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/naming.html Naming - Rust API Guidelines Basic Rust naming conventions are described in RFC 430. In general, Rust tends to use UpperCamelCase for "type-level" constructs (types and traits) and snake_case for "value-level" constructs. More precisely: ItemConvention Cratesunclear Modulessnake_case rust-lang.github.io External links RFC 199 - Ownership nam..
Rust Operators and Symbols__Rust's syntax코딩Coding/변수❤️_naming_Pattern 2022. 5. 1. 01:25
https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/appendix-02-operators.html B - Operators and Symbols - The Rust Programming Language This appendix contains a glossary of Rust’s syntax, including operators and other symbols that appear by themselves or in the context of paths, generics, trait bounds, macros, attributes, comments, tuples, and brackets. Table B-1 contains the operators i doc.rust-lang.org
코딩 변수variable 쓸 때 가이드 정리 C++기준코딩Coding/변수❤️_naming_Pattern 2022. 4. 24. 19:45
https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=ruvendix&logNo=221533803844&categoryNo=116&parentCategoryNo=-1&viewDate=¤tPage=&postListTopCurrentPage=&isAfterWrite=true 코딩 가이드 정리 안녕하세요 루벤딕스입니다~ 저는 원래 구글 코딩 가이드를 살짝 수정해서 사용하고 있었는데 에픽 게임즈... blog.naver.com 언리얼 엔진 보면 변수를 어떻게 써야하는 지 가이드 라인이 있음 공부가 많이 된다. https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/ProductionPipelines/DevelopmentSetup/CodingStandard/..