러스트FFI💕Rust&Haskell&C 결합해서 잘 정리됨.코딩Coding/Rust💕FFI 2023. 2. 3. 17:37
https://engineering.iog.io/2023-01-26-hs-bindgen-introduction/ One step forward, an easier interoperability between Rust and Haskell | IOG Engineering TL;DR: This blog post intends to sum up the why and how of cargo-cabal and hs-bindgen. If you’re looking for usage walkthroughs and code examples, check out project READMEs on GitHub! engineering.iog.io
Rust FFI❤️Integrating Rust with other languages코딩Coding/Rust💕FFI 2023. 1. 8. 13:41
Get the best of both worlds: Integrating Rust with other languages - Harald Reingruber & Fred Morcos https://youtu.be/NxX0MMXGnaI Get the best of both worlds: Integrating Rust with other languages - Harald Reingruber & Fred Morcos
C-like packed bitfield-struct in Rust코딩Coding/Rust💕FFI 2022. 11. 30. 15:16
https://users.rust-lang.org/t/c-like-packed-bitfield-struct-in-rust/85058 C-like packed bitfield-struct in Rust I have a binary packet format, and I want to parse it. In C language I write a packed struct, for example: Compiler Explorer Is there the same struct type in (unsafe) Rust? users.rust-lang.org