Startup_Oxitec영국의 옥스퍼드 대학에서 설립기업정보/해외기업_★스타트업_신생회사★ 2021. 11. 18. 16:57
https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/british-startup-oxitec-releases-first-154929555.html British startup Oxitec releases first genetically modified mosquitoes in U.S. Oxitec, a British startup determined to prevent instances of mosquito-borne disease, released thousands of genetically modified mosquito eggs in the Florida Keys this week as part of a test approved by the Environmental Protection Agenc..
영국 벤처 기업(Notpla, 낫플라)해초로 플라스틱 만드는 친환경기업기업정보/해외기업_★스타트업_신생회사★ 2021. 11. 2. 18:12
파슬리에/벤처 기업 낫플라 201014기업소개 Insider https://www.businessinsider.com/notpla-plastic-waste-seaweed-packaging-2020-10 Seaweed may be the solution to our plastic crisis. A London startup is making edible packaging out of it. The plastic-like seaweed packaging made by Notpla is biodegradable within six weeks, compared to hundreds of years for synthetic plastics. www.businessinsider.com 기업 홈페이지 https://..
미국 대마초 OTC기업 7-미국 OTC는 어떻게 사지??기업정보/해외기업_★스타트업_신생회사★ 2021. 7. 14. 18:42
기사를 공유합니다: - http://kr.investing.com/analysis/article-200436812 대마초 섹터, 세대를 넘어선 부를 위한 기회 | Investing.com Investing.com (Brenda O'Farrell/Investing.com) 편집한 주식 시장 분석: Trulieve Cannabis Corp, Terrascend Corp, Cresco Labs Inc, Curaleaf Holdings Inc. Investing.com (Brenda O'Farrell/Investing.com) 의 Investing.com에 관한 주식 분석을 한 kr.investing.com