🇰🇷 〈이코노미스트〉 “윤석열 대통령, 기본부터 배워야 한다”정치상식 2022. 9. 16. 09:45
http://www.goodmorningcc.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=275099 〈이코노미스트〉 “윤석열 대통령, 기본부터 배워야 한다” - 굿모닝충청 ‘한국의 대통령(윤석열)은 기본을 배워야 한다(South Korea’s president needs to learn the basics)’[굿모닝충청=서울 정문영 기자] 영국의 국제 정치 경제 문화 주간지인 '이코노미스트'(Th... www.goodmorningcc.com
Reconciliation (United States Congress)예산조정정치상식 2021. 10. 6. 11:10
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconciliation_(United_States_Congress) Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia Due to growing concerns over deficits and presidential control of the budget process, many members of Congress sought to reform the congressional budgetary process in the early 1970s. Charles Schultze, a former Director of the Bureau of the Budget, suggest en.m.wikipedia.org