Zig 프로그래밍 언어 배우기 (openmymind.net)코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2023. 9. 23. 10:27
https://www.openmymind.net/learning_zig/Learning ZigZig's download page includes pre-compiled binaries for common platforms. On this page you'll find binaries for the latest development release as well as for major releases. The latest release, which this guide tracks, can be found at the top of the page. Fwww.openmymind.net https://news.hada.io/topic?id=11006&utm_source=discord&utm_medium=bot&u..
Zig❤️How to Use Abstraction to Kill Your API-Software U Can Love Vancouver 2023코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2023. 8. 24. 23:55
https://youtu.be/aPWFLkHRIAQ?si=bAz7Nf3aynSPvcM1 발표자 Github https://github.com/marler8997 marler8997 - Overviewmarler8997 has 296 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.github.com