zig❤️zig-postgres updated to zig master코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2023. 2. 1. 21:50
zig-postgres updated to zig master [https://github.com/rofrol/zig-postgres](https://github.com/rofrol/zig-postgres) There is also example how to import it [https://github.com/rofrol/zig-postgres-template](https://github.com/rofrol/zig-postgres-template) https://www.reddit.com/r/Zig/comments/10qaoa9/zigpostgres_updated_to_zig_master/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf r/Zig - zig..
Debugging Zig on VSCode on macOS(zig init-exe❤️로 프로젝트 만들자)코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2023. 1. 16. 17:56
https://www.reddit.com/r/Zig/comments/zk4myf/debugging_zig_on_vscode_on_macos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Debugging Zig on VSCode on MacOS I'm using the CodeLLDB extension as well as ZLS and the Zig builder extension by prime31. When I try to debug the debugger doesn't stop at... www.reddit.com Debugging Zig on VSCode on MacOS I'm using the CodeLLDB extension as well as ..
A template for Advent of Code participants using Zig코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2023. 1. 16. 17:39
https://github.com/SpexGuy/Zig-AoC-Template GitHub - SpexGuy/Zig-AoC-Template: A template for Advent of Code participants using Zig A template for Advent of Code participants using Zig - GitHub - SpexGuy/Zig-AoC-Template: A template for Advent of Code participants using Zig github.com
Learn Zig or C first?코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2023. 1. 16. 17:36
Learn Zig or C first? I come from high-level languages and currently write Rust at work and, because Rust is now my work language, I'd like to keep exploring the lower-level end of the rabbit hole. For now, I've narrowed it down to Zig or C (Hare was on the list but it was straightforward to prefer C over Hare) but I'm leaning towards learning C first, since it's everywhere (won't be obsolete an..
zig project 각종 예제가 많다코딩Coding/Zig_❤️lang 2023. 1. 16. 17:29
https://github.com/ziglang/zig/wiki/Community-Projects GitHub - ziglang/zig: General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. - GitHub - ziglang/zig: General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining... github.com