eBook)Practical System Programming for Rust Developers: Linux/Unix systems코딩_Coding_Dev책_정리/Rust_Coding_Book 2022. 5. 1. 08:06728x90
Prabhu Eshwarla
Practical System Programming for Rust Developers: Build fast and secure software for Linux/Unix systems with the help of practical examples
1st 에디션
Practical System Programming for Rust Developers: Build fast and secure software for Linux/Unix systems with the help of practical examples
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저자 소개Prabhu Eshwarla
Prabhu Eshwarla has been shipping high-quality, business-critical software to large enterprises and running IT operations for over 25 years. He is also a passionate teacher of complex technologies.
Prabhu has previously worked with Hewlett Packard, and has deep experience in software engineering, engineering management, professional services and IT operations.
Prabhu is passionate about Rust, and enjoys building software infrastructure and system tools for distributed systems & hybrid cloud. He considers coding to be a creative craft and a divine tool to create new digital worlds and experiences, and believes in the rigour of software engineering to create clean, efficient, safe and maintainable code.
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