(eBook, Rust2021Edition)Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development
Covers Rust 2021 Edition
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프로그래밍 러스트 : 빠르고 안전한 시스템 개발 [ 개정판 ]
짐 블랜디,제이슨 오렌도프,리어노라 틴달 저 / 조성만 역 | 제이펍 | 2023년 01월 16일
책 소개
오타 여기에(정정)
Jim Blandy 외 2명
Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development
2번째 에디션
Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development
저자 소개 3명임
Jim Blandy
Jim Blandy has spent his career working on Free and Open Source software. He has been a maintainer of GNU Emacs, GNU Guile, the GNU debugger (GDB), and was one of the original designers of the Subversion version control system. Since 2008 he has been working at Mozilla on Firefox's JavaScript implementation, developer tools, and graphics. Together with Jason Orendorff and Leonora Tindall, he is a co-author of the book Programming Rust, published by O'Reilly.
Jim lives in Portland, Oregon. He enjoys playing piano, learning Japanese, and hiking with his family and dogs.
Leonora F. S. Tindall
Leonora Tindall is a type system enthusiast and software engineer who uses Rust, Elixir, and other advanced languages to build robust and resilient systems software in high-impact areas like healthcare and data ownership. She works on a variety of open source projects, from genetic algorithms that evolve programs in strange languages to the Rust core libraries and crate ecosystem, and enjoys the experience of contributing to supportive and diverse community projects.
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Jason Orendorff
Jason Orendorff hacks C++ for Mozilla, where he is module owner of the JavaScript engine that's in Firefox. He is an active member of the Nashville developer community and an occasional organizer of homegrown tech events. He is interested in grammar, baking, time travel, and helping people learn about complicated topics.