Home-Price Surge Says Inflation Is Real. The Fed Clings to Illusion It Isn’t.경제상식/(유료$)WallStreet_Economist_etc 2021. 2. 7. 10:15
https://www.barrons.com/articles/home-price-surge-says-inflation-is-real-the-fed-clings-to-illusion-it-isnt-51612543691Home-Price Surge Says Inflation Is Real. The Fed Clings to Illusion It Isn’t.Central bank’s purchases of mortgage-backed securities help push down interest rates on home loans, boosting housing tabs and making homes unaffordable for many.www.barrons.com Home-Price Surge Says Inf..
(유료, WSJ)Meet the Lawyer Trying to Keep Google From Being Broken Up경제상식/(유료$)WallStreet_Economist_etc 2020. 12. 20. 08:00
Meet the Lawyer Trying to Keep Google From Being Broken Up With antitrust challenges intensifying, longtime executive Kent Walker is now big man on company campus https://www.wsj.com/articles/meet-the-lawyer-trying-to-keep-google-from-being-broken-up-11608373801?st=0fwf0iqwwj5c2hq&reflink=share_mobilewebshareMeet the Lawyer Trying to Keep Google From Being Broken UpKent Walker, the search giant’..
"한국, 1~2년 내에 대침체 온다"..미래학자의 경고 [노경목의 미래노트]-한경경제상식/(유료$)WallStreet_Economist_etc 2020. 12. 5. 12:03
https://news.v.daum.net/v/20201205100203858"한국, 1~2년내에 대침체 온다"..미래학자의 경고 [노경목의 미래노트]최근 주식과 부동산 시장이 나란히 사상 최고치를 경신하고 있다. 상장기업들은 무더기로 사상 최고가를 기록하고 경기도 외곽이나 지방 도시에서도 10억원이 넘는 아파트들이 속속 나타난다. news.v.daum.net
(유료)Clinton’s Example for Biden-WSJ경제상식/(유료$)WallStreet_Economist_etc 2020. 11. 19. 09:44
Clinton’s Example for Biden https://www.wsj.com/articles/clintons-example-for-biden-11605636370?st=esby19khqxuxkbz&reflink=share_mobilewebshareOpinion | Clinton’s Example for BidenLike the 1994 election, voters have chosen divided government—and issued a mandate for compromise.www.wsj.com
Opinion: Easy money requires tougher financial regulation-Marketwatch경제상식/(유료$)WallStreet_Economist_etc 2020. 11. 17. 23:03
https://www.marketwatch.com/story/easy-money-requires-tougher-financial-regulation-11605621054Easy money requires tougher financial regulationLooser monetary policy is a dangerous combination paired with the aggressive weakening of financial regulation by Jerome Powell’s Fed.www.marketwatch.com