(유료, WSJ)Meet the Lawyer Trying to Keep Google From Being Broken Up경제상식/(유료$)WallStreet_Economist_etc 2020. 12. 20. 08:00728x90
Meet the Lawyer Trying to Keep Google From Being Broken Up
With antitrust challenges intensifying, longtime executive Kent Walker is now big man on company campus
https://www.wsj.com/articles/meet-the-lawyer-trying-to-keep-google-from-being-broken-up-11608373801?st=0fwf0iqwwj5c2hq&reflink=share_mobilewebshareMeet the Lawyer Trying to Keep Google From Being Broken Up
Kent Walker, the search giant’s chief legal officer and head of global affairs, leads the defense that will determine whether the company is able to keep growing—or gets clipped.
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