apple m1 pro AArch64 or ARM64 )vs ( intel chip은 x86-64맥북 cpu칩이 뭔지 알아보는 터미널 명령어맥Mac관련_Apple/macOS맥_맥북_개발환경세팅 2022. 3. 18. 16:05
내 컴퓨터 cpu칩이 뭔지 알아보는 터미널 명령어 Apple Silicon mac, the command uname -m uname -m https://indiespark.top/software/detecting-apple-silicon-shell-script/ How to Detect Apple Silicon and Rosetta from within a Shell Script Compiled code can conclude the instruction set through conditional compilation. But what about processor-independent scripts? Finding out the current native processor architecture and ..