apple m1 pro AArch64 or ARM64 )vs ( intel chip은 x86-64맥북 cpu칩이 뭔지 알아보는 터미널 명령어맥Mac관련_Apple/macOS맥_맥북_개발환경세팅 2022. 3. 18. 16:05728x90
내 컴퓨터 cpu칩이 뭔지 알아보는 터미널 명령어
Apple Silicon mac, the commanduname -m
uname -m
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Compiled code can conclude the instruction set through conditional compilation. But what about processor-independent scripts? Finding out the current native processor architecture and emulation sta…
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다행히 해결 될거라고 하네요 ㅜ
The ARM-based Apple M1 is supposed to run legacy x86 software using Rosetta, which could cause adverse effects on performance when running x86 applications. Fortunately, due to its speed, the M1 will still outperform older Intel chips in most scenarios, even with legacy x86 apps. Also, some teething problems are to be expected, as exotic tools and applications might not run out of the box, or they may incur a performance penalty. Still, these problems will be ironed out, and most users needn’t worry about them.
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