Vim-라인 접기fold명령어단축키z로 시작Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim단축키정리 2022. 2. 16. 16:32
run :set foldmethod=indent. 암기 하자!!!! Vim tips: Folding fun - The problem with writing and editing on a computer, versus having words on paper, is that it’s usually hard to compare text from different sections of a document when they don’t fit on the screen together. One way to do it is to use Vim’s viewport 접..
Vim Plug-in)Rust crates버젼 관리 플러그 인 🔌 mhinz/vim-cratesVim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 15. 15:21 GitHub - mhinz/vim-crates: Handle Cargo dependencies like a Rustavimean. Handle Cargo dependencies like a Rustavimean. Contribute to mhinz/vim-crates development by creating an account on GitHub.
Vim)Plug-in 내가 등록한 키들이 spotlights 처럼 이쁘게 나온다 꼭 설치하자 🙌 최고!!Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 15. 09:15 GitHub - mrjones2014/legendary.nvim: 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps and commands, with which-key.nvim integration (requires N 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps and commands, with which-key.nvim integration (requires Neovim nightly) - GitHub - mrjones2014/legendary.nvim: 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps and commands, with which-key...
Vim_tabs으로 여러파일 띄우고 관련 명령어Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim단축키정리 2022. 2. 15. 02:58,file%20in%20the%20new%20tab. Vim tips: Using tabs - Before Vim 7.0 was released last May, I usually had six or seven xterms or Konsole windows open, each with a single Vim session in which I was editing a single file. This takes up a lot of screen space, and isn’t very efficie..
Vim]러스트_Rust용_태크바죽인다.#tagfunclsp#complete_tagfuncVim_Editor_IDE/Vim단축키정리 2022. 2. 15. 02:46
nmap gd (lsp-definition) " go to definition nmap gs (lsp-document-symbol-search) nmap gS (lsp-workspace-symbol-search) nmap gr (lsp-references) nmap gi (lsp-implementation) "go to implementation nmap gt (lsp-type-definition) nmap rn (lsp-rename) nmap [g (lsp-previous-diagnostic) nmap ]g (lsp-next-diagnostic) nmap K (lsp-hover) "show hover information setlocal omnifunc=lsp#complete setlocal signc..