Manually run rust-analyzer check commandVim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 27. 19:41 Manually run rust-analyzer check command If you set `rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.enable = false` using nvim-lspconfig, is there still a way to manually check the file and update the... Manually run rust-analyzer check command If you set `rust-a..
nVim] Spell Checker 오타 확인해주는 플러그 인 - 코드 완료하고 마지막으로 스펠 체크하자!!Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 26. 02:14
nVim Plug-in GitHub - iamcco/coc-spell-checker: A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code for (Neo)vim A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code for (Neo)vim - GitHub - iamcco/coc-spell-checker: A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code for (Neo)vim Install :CocInstall coc-spell-checker "Spell-..
Vim Plug-in)Rust crates버젼 관리 플러그 인 🔌 mhinz/vim-cratesVim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 15. 15:21 GitHub - mhinz/vim-crates: Handle Cargo dependencies like a Rustavimean. Handle Cargo dependencies like a Rustavimean. Contribute to mhinz/vim-crates development by creating an account on GitHub.
Vim)Plug-in 내가 등록한 키들이 spotlights 처럼 이쁘게 나온다 꼭 설치하자 🙌 최고!!Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 15. 09:15 GitHub - mrjones2014/legendary.nvim: 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps and commands, with which-key.nvim integration (requires N 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps and commands, with which-key.nvim integration (requires Neovim nightly) - GitHub - mrjones2014/legendary.nvim: 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps and commands, with which-key...
coc.nvim]vim자동완성의 끝판왕Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 14. 01:13 vim 자동완성의 끝판왕, coc.nvim vim 자동완성: coc.nvim Install " Use release branch (Recommend) Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'} " Or build from source code by use yarn: https://.. gd하면 내가 정의 펑션으로 간다 Tag 만큼 굿 ㅎ 외국은 쓰는 영상 손 정말 빠르다 그냥 루나빔 쓰자 다 세팅 되어 있음 ㅋ 9분 41초 부터 보세요 러스트vsC..
Rust에 tags plug-in 안 되서 검색하다가 러스트 커뮤니티에서 관련글 발견함Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 11. 12:13 Taglist-like Vim plugin for Rust? thanks a lot for the suggestions @mark-i-m @61484095 @lkurusa will check them out! Edit: looks like tagbar was exactly what I was looking for; the difference with taglist is that it shows only the tags for the current file and not for the entire project, b 다른 글 https://int..
Vim_Plugin]Obvious-resize창 조절하는 플러그인Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim_Plugins 2022. 2. 10. 22:08 Vim Awesome Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe ObviousResizeUp ObviousResizeRight ObviousResizeLeft ObviousResizeDown # : ObviousResizeUp : ObviousResizeUp # : ObviousResizeRight : ObviousResizeRight # : ObviousResizeLeft : ObviousResizeLeft # : ObviousResizeDown : ObviousResizeDown :vs 좌우 나누기 # :vs :vs :sp 상하로 나누기 # :sp :sp