rust-analyzer joins the Rust organization!Emacs_Editor_IDE/emacs.d_init.el설정 2022. 9. 4. 13:47
For Emacs, follow the setup instructions from this post. https://blog.rust-lang.org/2022/02/21/rust-analyzer-joins-rust-org.html rust-analyzer joins the Rust organization! | Rust Blog Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. blog.rust-lang.org
emacs 파일 만들기touch쓸 필요 없음❤️How to create new file from dired mode?Emacs_Editor_IDE/emacs단축키정리 2022. 8. 26. 03:54
press C-x C-f enter file name press C-j https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20300137/how-to-create-new-file-from-dired-mode How to create new file from dired mode? I want to create a new file in dired mode. Is there "create new file" command in dired mode ? For example, When I type "c" in dired mode, it creates "untitled.txt". It's very simple , but I can't ... stackoverflow.com
emacs live server❤️ 같은거 ❤️Emacs_Editor_IDE/emacs_Plugins 2022. 8. 23. 22:19
Emacs❤️org-mode: Cookie updates and TODO/ Doing / DoneEmacs_Editor_IDE/emacs_기초상식❤️ 2022. 8. 23. 21:02
https://youtu.be/W9R_JXCWORI https://christiantietze.de/posts/2021/02/emacs-org-todo-doing-done-checkbox-cycling/ Emacs Org-Mode: Automatic Item TODO/DOING/DONE State Transitions for Checkbox Changes In Emacs org-mode, you start with two states for your outline headings by default to manage tasks: TODO and DONE. I recently introduced a new state in between: DOING. That helped me come back to stu..