양자역학 탄생에 '스핀'이 있었다! '스핀'은 무엇이고 어떻게 등장했을까? [자석과 스핀트로닉스 2/3화, KAIST 김갑진 교수]코딩Coding/Silq양자_프로그래밍_언어 2022. 11. 22. 21:41
https://youtu.be/1tsAW1f-heE 1부 #자석 #스핀 #자기장 자석의 원리 아셨습니까? N극, S극의 근원은? 자석의 자기장 어떻게 나올까? [자석과 스핀트로닉스 1/3화, KAIST 김갑진 교수] https://youtu.be/FU29W6B1eeE 3부 자석 이야기로 '상대성 이론'을 이해시켜드립니다. '상대성 이론'과 N극과 S극을 당기는 이유 [자석과 스핀트로닉스 3/3화, KAIST 김갑진 교수] https://youtu.be/lFIIoFb40TE
Inside the high stakes of the quantum computing race코딩Coding/Silq양자_프로그래밍_언어 2022. 11. 19. 16:51
https://www.marketplace.org/shows/marketplace-tech/inside-the-high-stakes-of-the-quantum-computing-race/amp/ Inside the high stakes of the quantum computing race The technology has potential for both chaos and progress, and could one day break the encryption that protects your privacy on the internet. www.marketplace.org
The unimon, a new qubit to boost quantum computers for useful applications코딩Coding/Silq양자_프로그래밍_언어 2022. 11. 16. 21:36
https://phys.org/news/2022-11-unimon-qubit-boost-quantum-applications.html The unimon, a new qubit to boost quantum computers for useful applications A group of scientists from Aalto University, IQM Quantum Computers, and VTT Technical Research Center have discovered a new superconducting qubit, the unimon, to increase the accuracy of quantum computations. The team has achieved the first quantum..