Rust로 만든 피아노 트레이너❤️Piano-trainer_Moemorize piano scale with ease!코딩Coding/한글Rust강의★내가★공부하려고만듬 2022. 8. 14. 20:16
https://github.com/ZaneH/piano-trainer GitHub - ZaneH/piano-trainer: 🎹 Memorize piano scales with ease! A music practice program w/ MIDI support. Consider it an int 🎹 Memorize piano scales with ease! A music practice program w/ MIDI support. Consider it an interactive reference manual - GitHub - ZaneH/piano-trainer: 🎹 Memorize piano scales with ease! A music p... github.com
러스트로 "회전하는 도넛donut❤️" 출력하기 C언어로 하는거 보고 깃허브로 찾음코딩Coding/한글Rust강의★내가★공부하려고만듬 2022. 8. 14. 20:10
C언어로 짠 Donut-shaped C code that generates a 3D spinning donut https://youtu.be/DEqXNfs_HhY 회전하는 프린트로 시작 https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/rust/rust+spinning+rod+animation+in+text rust spinning rod animation in text Code Example let characters = ['|', '/', '-', '\\']; let mut current = 0; println!("{}[2J", 27 as char); // Clear screen. loop { println!("{}[;H{}", 27 as char, characters[cur..
Rust❤️Converts a Box<str> into a Box<[u8]> without copying or allocating.코딩Coding/한글Rust강의★내가★공부하려고만듬 2022. 8. 14. 19:55
http://web.mit.edu/rust-lang_v1.25/arch/amd64_ubuntu1404/share/doc/rust/html/std/primitive.str.html str - Rust String slices. The str type, also called a 'string slice', is the most primitive string type. It is usually seen in its borrowed form, &str. It is also the type of string literals, &'static str. Strings slices are always valid UTF-8. This documentation des web.mit.edu
Rust+ GGEZ❤️움직이는 동그라미 출력하기❤️코딩Coding/한글Rust강의★내가★공부하려고만듬 2022. 8. 13. 22:31