Single Event Upset(SEU) & Bit flipping비트 플립코딩역사_상식코딩Coding/코딩_역사상식❤ 2023. 3. 31. 21:39
https://youtu.be/QWvDOot3Etw Single-event upset https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-event_upset Single-event upset - Wikipedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Change of state caused by an ionizing particle A single-event upset (SEU), also known as a single-event error (SEE), is a change of state caused by one single ionizing particle (ions, electrons, photons...) striking a en.wikipedia.o..
"이미 시작된 기계 고객의 시대"··· 가트너, 진화 3단계 제시코딩Coding/코딩_역사상식❤ 2023. 3. 28. 12:33
"이미 시작된 기계 고객의 시대"··· 가트너, 진화 3단계 제시 원문보기: https://www.ciokorea.com/news/282979#csidx4d3549205b38eb9af4c31aa47cfb854 "이미 시작된 기계 고객의 시대"··· 가트너, 진화 3단계 제시 기계의 사전적 정의는 '동력을 써서 움직이거나 일을 하는 장치'다. '생각, 행동, 생활 방식 따위가 정확하거나 판에 박은 듯한 사람'을 은유적 www.ciokorea.com
C++의 역사❤️What is Modern C++?코딩Coding/코딩_역사상식❤ 2023. 2. 15. 20:36
https://www.modernescpp.com/index.php/what-is-modern-c What is Modern C++? - ModernesCpp.com We often speak about classical and modern C++. What does that mean? First of all: What is modern C++?. There is a simple and a not so simple answer? The simple answer is. Modern C++ stands for C++ that is based on C++11, C++14, and C++17. I guess you know www.modernescpp.com