AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms코딩Coding/알고리즘♡Algorithm♡ 2023. 6. 8. 14:31
https://www.deepmind.com/blog/alphadev-discovers-faster-sorting-algorithms AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms In our paper published today in Nature, we introduce AlphaDev, an artificial intelligence (AI) system that uses reinforcement learning to discover enhanced computer science algorithms – surpassing those honed by scientists and engineers over decades. www.deepmind.com
C언어 C-list : Circular Intrusive Double Linked List Collection코딩Coding/알고리즘♡Algorithm♡ 2023. 5. 31. 15:59
https://github.com/c-util/c-list GitHub - c-util/c-list: Circular Intrusive Double Linked List CollectionCircular Intrusive Double Linked List Collection. Contribute to c-util/c-list development by creating an account on GitHub.github.com
Data Architecture: Data-Driven Design for Scale and Automation(part1-2코딩Coding/알고리즘♡Algorithm♡ 2023. 5. 1. 00:38
Data Architecture: Data-Driven Design for Scale and Automation - Part 1 https://youtu.be/lKyhwd-Ee0U Data Architecture: Data-Driven Design for Scale and Automation - Part 2 https://youtu.be/hFbdPHs649Q
그래픽 엔진 강의(AI 교육 캠프 그래프 데이터베이스 시리즈 작성자: Dr. Ray코딩Coding/알고리즘♡Algorithm♡ 2023. 4. 25. 12:42
https://bbs.huaweicloud.com/blogs/390767 图引擎服务GES优质文章精选汇总!-云社区-华为云 图引擎服务小图为您奉上图引擎服务精选文章合集~内容涵盖基础知识介绍、使用引导、场景案例等多个方面,帮您快速上手图引擎! 优质博文精选 图数据基础知识 & GES介绍 人人都在谈的图数据 bbs.huaweicloud.com AI 교육 캠프 그래프 데이터베이스 시리즈 작성자: Dr. Ray AI训练营图数据库系列 作者:Ray博士 강의 1 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ceOmp1SLf8IxVXLyroXUEA AI训练营|基础课之图数据库第一讲 快速理清复杂关系 mp.weixin.qq.com 강의2 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/O68hUitVXfakPeYcuSluoA AI训练营 |..
알고리즘 기초 10^8=1초에 1억회 연산 가능 , 동적 프로그래밍코딩Coding/알고리즘♡Algorithm♡ 2023. 4. 25. 08:02
https://youtu.be/gpx7Vjwtn9s https://sxyzn.tistory.com/m/96 [C++] 백준 알고리즘 1517번 버블 소트문제 이름은 버블 소트지만 머지 소트 (병합 정렬)로 풀어야하는 문제. 왜냐하면 1 ≤ N ≤ 500,000 이기 때문에 n^2 으로 풀 수 없기 때문이다.. 헷갈려서 정리를 해봤는데 병합만 늘 O(N*logN) 이고, 기sxyzn.tistory.com