Porting PineTime Watch Face from C to Rust On RIOT with LVGL코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2020. 9. 13. 18:02
https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/irri4f/porting_pinetime_watch_face_from_c_to_rust_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmfPorting PineTime Watch Face from C to Rust On RIOT with LVGLPosted in r/rust by u/lupyuen • 25 points and 2 commentswww.reddit.com
Rust:A language for the Next 40 Years - Carol Nichols코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2020. 9. 13. 10:59
https://youtu.be/A3AdN7U24iU Rust Safety- Either one mutable reference OR many immutable reference. - No null, only Option - Out-of-bounds access = at runtime, program stops - Ownership rules apply across mutiple threads. Unsafe code can .... - Dereference a raw pointer - Call an unsafe function - Implement unsafe traits - Mutate global variables - Access fields of unions Further unsafe Info- Bu..
Keywords- The Rust Reference코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2020. 9. 13. 10:50
https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/keywords.htmlKeywords - The Rust ReferenceRust divides keywords into three categories: These keywords can only be used in their correct contexts. They cannot be used as the names of: Lexer: KW_AS : as KW_BREAK : break KW_CONST : const KW_CONTINUE : continue KW_CRATE : crate KW_ELSE : else KW_ENUM doc.rust-lang.org 3 catagories - strict - reserved - weak 다른 프로그..
[Rust]Apple is starting to use Rust for low-level programming코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2020. 9. 12. 08:48
https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/iqnt58/apple_is_starting_to_use_rust_for_lowlevel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmfApple is starting to use Rust for low-level programmingPosted in r/rust by u/xsoheilalizadeh • 588 points and 83 commentswww.reddit.com