SpaceX about the Rust Programming Language!코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2021. 5. 17. 11:41
러스트 스페이스 X에 테스트로 시도 하고 있다네요 앞으로 C++ 를 Rust로 대체할 가능성 아주 높음 이거 죽어라 공부하면 10년후에 몸값이 어마어마할듯 프로그래밍의 종착지는 Rust ㅋㅋ https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/ndm4ne/spacex_about_the_rust_programming_language/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf SpaceX about the Rust Programming Language! Posted in r/rust by u/rightkill • 1,122 points and 121 comments www.reddit.com SpaceX about the Rust Prog..
Rust)Find or return last element of iterator코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2021. 5. 12. 01:19
https://users.rust-lang.org/t/find-or-return-last-element-of-iterator/58171Find or return last element of iteratorIs there a way to find an element of an iterator or return the last element if none is found with existing adapters? Or is there an existing crate implementing an operation like this? The behavior I need is return None if iterator is empty return Some(elemusers.rust-lang.org
A brief history of Rust at Facebook코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2021. 4. 30. 16:48
https://engineering.fb.com/2021/04/29/developer-tools/rust/A brief history of Rust at Facebook - Facebook EngineeringWhy Facebook is embracing Rust, one of the fastest-growing programming languages available today, and what the future holds.engineering.fb.com
Google is now writing low-level Android code in Rust코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2021. 4. 8. 11:21
https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/04/google-is-now-writing-low-level-android-code-in-rust/Google is now writing low-level Android code in RustGoogle's promotion of Rust over C and C++ should lead to fewer memory security bugs.arstechnica.com
Why I rewrote my Rust keyboard firmware in Zig: consistency, mastery, and fun코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2021. 3. 7. 20:34
https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/lznan0/why_i_rewrote_my_rust_keyboard_firmware_in_zig/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmfWhy I rewrote my Rust keyboard firmware in Zig: consistency, mastery, and funPosted in r/rust by u/emmanueltouzery • 72 points and 22 commentswww.reddit.com Why I rewrote my Rust keyboard firmware in Zig: consistency, mastery, and fun
Nextcloud is now using Rust코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2021. 2. 23. 11:24
https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/lpusc7/nextcloud_is_now_using_rust/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmfNextcloud is now using RustPosted in r/rust by u/Follpvosten • 253 points and 37 commentswww.reddit.com Nextcloud is now using Rust
Rust 재단의 출범 Rust Foundation코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2021. 2. 23. 07:44
Rust 재단의 출범 Rust Foundation https://foundation.rust-lang.org/posts/2021-02-08-hello-world/?utm_source=Nomad+Academy&utm_campaign=8af60abeae-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_02_18_04_33&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4313d957c9-8af60abeae-357391179&mc_cid=8af60abeae&mc_eid=81103dd175Rust FoundationThe Rust Foundation is an independent non-profit organization to steward the Rust programming language and ecosystem..