책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book
원서, eBook) America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve-책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 8. 18. 13:42
영어 원서 입니다 금융 저널리스트인 로저 로웬스타인이 쓴 '미국의 은행' Roger Lowenstein America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SI02DZE/ America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve - Kindle edition by Lowenstein, Roger. Politics & Social Science Review “As Roger Lowenstein tells it in ‘America’s Bank,’ an illuminating history of the Fed’s unlikely origi..
eBook) 미국연방준비은행의 외환정책.The Book of Foreign Exchange[PDF]책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 8. 18. 13:25
미국연방준비은행의 외환정책.The Book of Foreign Exchange, by Robert Latham Owen [ PDF ] http://m.yes24.com/Goods/Detail/90240443 미국연방준비은행의 외환정책.The Book of Foreign Exchange, by Robert Latham Owen - YES24 미국연방준비은행의 외환정책.The Book of Foreign Exchange, by Robert Latham Owen1919년도에 미국에서 발행된책. 페더랄 레저브뱅크 즉 미국연방준비은행의 대외 무역등과 관련된 나라들인 m.yes24.com
영어원서) The Rise and Fall of an Epic Financial Bubble-Addison Wiggin and 2 more책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 7. 31. 19:04
The New Empire of Debt: The Rise and Fall of an Epic Financial Bubble (Agora Series Book 41) https://www.amazon.com/New-Empire-Debt-Financial-Bubble-ebook/dp/B002MZUQ9G The New Empire of Debt: The Rise and Fall of an Epic Financial Bubble (Agora Series Book 41) The New Empire of Debt: The Rise and Fall of an Epic Financial Bubble (Agora Series Book 41) www.amazon.com
외서) Cruella Live Action Novelization : 디즈니 크루엘라 [ Paperback ]책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 7. 18. 02:20
Cruella Live Action Novelization : 디즈니 크루엘라 [ Paperback ] http://m.yes24.com/Goods/Detail/95821809 Cruella Live Action Novelization - YES24 A thrilling novelization that will take readers inside the story of the upcoming Walt Disney Studios' live action Cruella film.DE VIL BY DESIGN...Estella is a clever and creative grifte... m.yes24.com
외서) Time (주간) - Asia Ed. 2021년 07월 05일 / 07월 12일 Double Issue 타임 아시아판 문재인 대통령 커버책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 7. 18. 02:18
Time (주간) - Asia Ed. 2021년 07월 05일 / 07월 12일 Double Issue 타임 아시아판 문재인 대통령 커버 [ 발행국 : 미국 ] http://m.yes24.com/Goods/Detail/102397211 Time (주간) - Asia Ed. 2021년 07월 05일 / 07월 12일 Double Issue 타임 아시아판 문재인 대통령 커버 - YES24 m.yes24.com
(책)The Bomber Mafia-말콤 글래드웰 저책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 5. 21. 14:44
http://m.yes24.com/Goods/Detail/97649940 The Bomber Mafia An exploration of how technology and best intentions collide in the heat of warIn The Bomber Mafia, Malcolm Gladwell weaves together the stories of a Dutch genius and his homemade computer, a band... m.yes24.com The Bomber Mafia : A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War
현재 메타버스의 영감을 준 소설Snow Crash책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 3. 13. 19:24
영어 원서eBook) http://m.yes24.com/Goods/Detail/18463520 Snow Crash Only once in a great while does a writer come along who defies comparison -- a writer so original he redefines the way we look at the world. Neal Stephenson is such a ... m.yes24.com https://m.search.daum.net/search?w=bookpage&bookId=4831184&tab=introduction&DA=LB2&q=snow%20crash snow crash - Daum 검색 Daum 검색에서 snow crash에 대한 최신정보를 찾..
(외서,영문판) The Queen's Gambit 넷플릭스 드라마 퀸스 갬빗 원작소설 : Now a Major책이나봅시다/외서Foreign Book 2021. 1. 2. 14:15
http://m.yes24.com/Goods/Detail/95287423The Queen's Gambit 넷플릭스 드라마 퀸스 갬빗 원작소설SOON TO BE A MAJOR NETFLIX SERIES starring Anya Taylor-Joy (Emma, The Miniaturist, Peaky Blinders) from Academy-Award nominee Scott Frank (Out of Sight, Minority Report, Marley & Me) and BAFTA nomi...m.yes24.com