How Oil Could Go To $100 Per Barrel유가및상품시장뉴스 2021. 3. 10. 13:42
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/How-Oil-Could-Go-To-100-Per-Barrel.htmlHow Oil Could Go To $100 Per Barrel | OilPrice.comTigther oil markets, and increasing OPEC+ influence on oil markets could mean that the cartel is keeping markets eager for more barrels, while boosting prices in the procressoilprice.com
사우디, 인도의 유가 안정 요구 일축.."있는 재고나 다 쓰세요" [선한결의 중동은지금]유가및상품시장뉴스 2021. 3. 5. 09:18
https://v.kakao.com/v/20210305083502073?from=tgt사우디, 인도의 유가 안정 요구 일축.."있는 재고나 다 쓰세요" [선한결의 중동은지금]석유수출국기구(OPEC) 좌장격 국가인 사우디아라비아가 원유 가격을 떠받치겠다는 의지를 재차 표명했다. 사우디는 4일(현지시간) OPEC과 러시아 등 비(非)OPEC 주요 산유국들의 연합체인 OPEC+에서 v.kakao.com
Major oil producers to review supply cuts in critical OPEC meeting유가및상품시장뉴스 2021. 3. 4. 21:22
https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/opec-meeting-saudi-arabia-and-russia-to-review-production-policy.htmlMajor oil producers to review supply cuts in critical OPEC meetingAhead of the meeting, OPEC's de facto leader Saudi Arabia has publicly encouraged allied partners to remain "extremely cautious" on production policy.www.cnbc.com Major oil producers to review supply cuts in critical OPEC meeting
Multiple rockets land at Iraq's Al-Asad air base that hosts US, coalition forces유가및상품시장뉴스 2021. 3. 3. 19:53
https://www.arabnews.com/node/1818956/ampMultiple rockets land at Iraq's Al-Asad air base that hosts US, coalition forcesMultiple rockets land at Iraq's Al-Asad air base that hosts US, coalition forces File photo shows missiles that previously targeted Ain Al-Asad air base. (AP) Short Url Multiple rockets landed on Tuesday at Iraq's Ain al-Asad air base that hosts United Stawww.arabnews.com