아이폰APP구동사 사전(American Idiom& Phrasal Verb)McGraw-Hill아이폰앱영어상식/구동사_Phrasal_Verb 2021. 1. 2. 12:27
https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/american-idiom-phrasal-verb/id396077415American Idiom & Phrasal VerbFrom proverbial expressions such as “a stitch in time saves nine” to idioms such as “dead ringer” to common phrases like “put out” and “take on”, idioms and phrasal verbs seem to serve no other purpose than to frustrate and confuse serioapps.apple.com
(분리O) take off 벗다 or 떠나다영어상식/구동사_Phrasal_Verb 2020. 12. 21. 00:54
She took off for Paris without saying anything. 그녀는 아무런 말도 없이 파리로 떠나버렸다. Our plane took off from Incheon on time. 우리가 탄 비행기는 정각에 인천 공항을 이륙했다 https://dic.daum.net/word/view.do?wordid=ekw000165591take off – 다음 영어사전 (Daum Korean English dictionary)1.이륙하다 2.벗기다 3.나가버리다 4.시작하다 5.지우다dic.daum.net
(분리O)run .... into 망가트리다영어상식/구동사_Phrasal_Verb 2020. 12. 20. 10:35
https://dic.daum.net/word/view.do?wordid=ekw000074059&supid=eku010005256run into the ground – 다음 영어사전 (Daum Korean English dictionary)1.지나치게 하다 2.녹초로 만들다 3.망가뜨리다dic.daum.net Don't run your case into the ground. 주장을 너무 내세워서는 안 된다 And ran it into the ground! 그리고 쫄딱 망해버렸지