Get Around macOS Faster: Speed Up Navigation on Your Mac맥Mac관련_Apple/macOS맥_맥북_개발환경세팅 2022. 4. 17. 11:59
https://www.howtogeek.com/790407/get-around-macos-faster-speed-up-navigation-on-your-mac/ Get Around macOS Faster: Speed Up Navigation on Your Mac Learning to get around macOS quicker can be a real productivity booster if you spent a lot of time using your Mac. Many of these tips will quickly become second nature and you’ll wonder how you ever did without them! www.howtogeek.com
Mac에서 Windows 실행하기: Parallels (유료 1년에 12만원 ㅠㅠ)맥Mac관련_Apple/macOS맥_맥북_개발환경세팅 2022. 4. 16. 20:09
https://www.parallels.com/kr/pd/windows-on-mac/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0umSBhDrARIsAH7FCocSRvwDsXxTzL9CR0qw44k_smOiOM-IFntDsqISjDcs_pEfmID6A8caAiloEALw_wcB Mac에서 Windows 실행: Parallels Desktop 17 for Mac이 성공을 거두는 이유 Mac에 Windows, Linux 또는 다른 운영 체제를 추가하기 위해 Parallels Desktop은 Mac에 가상 컴퓨터(VM)—가상 PC를 생성합니다. 그러면 일반 컴퓨터에 운영 체제를 설치하는 것처럼 가상 컴퓨터에 Windows를 www.parallels.com
macOS모니터 듀얼 모니터로 단축키❤️Command+F1 / 미러모드 단축키 한번 더 누르면 미러모드로 전환 굿!!맥Mac관련_Apple/단축어_ShortCut설정 2022. 4. 15. 02:52
Command+F1 you will see both displays 한번 더 누르면 미러모드로 전환됨. ㅎㅎㅎ 외우자!! https://osxdaily.com/2013/06/27/mirror-display-mac-keyboard-shortcut/#:~:text=In%20order%20for%20this%20shortcut,suddenly%20mirroring%20will%20be%20enabled. Mirror Displays on the Mac with a Keyboard Shortcut Ever needed to quickly mirror a Mac display, switching another screen from an extended desktop to the mirrored image of w..
21 Chrome shortcuts you need to know크롬21가지 꿀팀 단축키맥Mac관련_Apple/단축어_ShortCut설정 2022. 4. 13. 20:11
https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/21-chrome-shortcuts-you-need-to-know/ 21 Chrome shortcuts you need to know Become a Chrome ninja by employing some of these keyboard shortcuts. www.cnet.com 21 Chrome shortcuts you need to know Become a Chrome ninja by employing some of these keyboard shortcuts.
How to make a Linux Live USB drive(Apple M1에서 설치하는 방법 제일 하단에 위치 ㅠㅠ)맥Mac관련_Apple/macOS맥_맥북_개발환경세팅 2022. 4. 2. 12:05
https://www.thefastcode.com/ko-krw/article/how-to-boot-a-linux-live-usb-drive-on-your-mac Mac에서 Linux Live USB 드라이브를 부팅하는 방법 - TheFastCode www.thefastcode.com https://youtu.be/Ojg8ZnA0ph4 2022ver. https://www.kali.org/docs/usb/live-usb-install-with-linux/ Making a Kali Bootable USB Drive (Linux) | Kali Linux Documentation Our favourite way, and the fastest method, for getting up and running with..
맥 공장초기화 방법맥Mac관련_Apple/macOS맥_맥북_개발환경세팅 2022. 4. 2. 11:59
https://crossjin.tistory.com/entry/%EB%A7%A5-%EA%B3%B5%EC%9E%A5%EC%B4%88%EA%B8%B0%ED%99%94-%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95 맥 공장초기화 방법 맥에 알 수 없는 문제가 생겼거나 도저히 해결방법을 알 수 없다면 맥을 초기화하는 게 더 빠를 수도 있다. 하지만 단순히 OS만 다시 설치하면 문제가 다시 나타날 수 있다. 그래서 맥을 공장초기 crossjin.tistory.com 맥 공장초기화 방법