'병역 기피' 유승준 비자 발급 두 번째 소송 항소심 내일 결론기타뉴스 2023. 7. 12. 20:10
https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/ranking/article/214/0001285409?ntype=RANKING&sid=001 '병역 기피' 유승준 비자 발급 두 번째 소송 항소심 내일 결론 가수 유승준 씨가 입국 비자 발급을 요구하며 한국 정부를 상대로 낸 두번째 소송의 항소심 결과가 내일 나옵니다. 서울고법 행정9-3부는 내일, 주로스앤젤레스 총영사가 여권과 비자 발급을 거 n.news.naver.com
Moonbin: K-pop star dies at age of 25 in suspected suicide기타뉴스 2023. 4. 20. 12:15
Moonbin: K-pop star dies at age of 25 in suspected suicide https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-65331824 Moonbin: K-pop star dies at age of 25 in suspected suicideSouth Korean police say the star may have taken his own life after he is found unresponsive in his flat.www.bbc.com
Roaches in the operating room: Doctors at HCA hospital in Florida ....기타뉴스 2023. 2. 16. 12:19
Roaches in the operating room: Doctors at HCA hospital in Florida say patient care has suffered from cost cutting https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-care/roaches-operating-room-hca-hospital-florida-rcna69563 Doctors at Florida hospital say patient care has suffered since HCA's cost cuts Doctors allege unsanitary surgical instruments, an overflowing ER, roaches in the OR and anesthesiology err..