미국 3대 통신사기업정보/(미국)_기업실적 2022. 8. 16. 12:37
AT&T 에이티엔티 Verizon버자이존 T-Mobile 티 모바일 https://www.verizon.com/featured/international-credit/?cmp=KNC-C-Mobility-NON-R-BP-NONE-NONE-2K0VZ0-COE-GAW-10893&kpid=go_cmp-16731562204_adg-135258958259_ad-591166625034_kwd-13038366_dev-m_ext-_prd-_sig-Cj0KCQjw3eeXBhD7ARIsAHjssr9vubwPVQpMf9hjdElaXBra6_Ao_3WmeYFTqcWdTisLQsb2PJ-rNwsaAomVEALw_wcB Buy & Activate a Phone without Credit History with Verizon & No..
🇰🇷 기업)DN솔루션즈 ⬅️ 두산공작기계) 'SIMTOS 2022'서 신기종 선보여.. 새 사명 'DN솔루션즈' 발표기업정보/(미국)_기업실적 2022. 7. 3. 07:47
https://news.v.daum.net/v/20220526100603780 두산공작기계, 'SIMTOS 2022'서 신기종 선보여.. 새 사명 'DN솔루션즈' 발표 [이데일리 이윤정 기자] 두산공작기계는 국내 최대 생산제조기술 전시회 ‘심토스(SIMTOS) 2022’에 참가해 신기종을 공개하고, 새로운 사명 ‘DN솔루션즈(SOLUTIONS)’를 발표했다고 26일 밝혔다. DN솔 news.v.daum.net
애플 WWDC키노트기업정보/(미국)_기업실적 2022. 6. 15. 20:11
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https://www.cerebras.net/ Homepage - Cerebras Privacy Preference Center www.cerebras.net https://youtu.be/RE5AmUS_ehY 비상장 상태 - 현재 시리즈 F(기준일220526) Stage Series F | Alive https://www.cbinsights.com/company/cerebras-systems Cerebras Systems - Headquarter Locations, Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees CBI websites generally use certain cookies to enable better interactions with our sites a..
ZOOX-robot taxi / Aicha Evans, Zoox CEO, 자율주행 택시가 결국 나오는 구나기업정보/(미국)_기업실적 2022. 4. 25. 00:19
https://youtu.be/7wd95YYEQ0E Bloomberg Technology Bloomberg Technology Aicha Evans, Zoox CEO, speaks with Emily Chang about her vision to transform transportation with a fleet of robotaxis, why she left Intel to take the top job at Zoox, and how she's tackling this next endeavor for autonomous vehicles. https://zoox.com/ The future is for riders We’re reinventing personal transportation—making t..