Bernoulli's principle베르누이 방정식(영어: Bernoulli's equation).유체 동역학에서 점성과 압축성이 없는 이상적인 유체(ideal fluid)가 규칙적으로 흐르는 경우에 대해, ...과학_수학상식 2023. 8. 14. 00:07
Bernoulli's principle https://youtu.be/eKEorBipbO8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli%27s_principle Bernoulli's principle - Wikipedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Principle relating to fluid dynamics A flow of air through a venturi meter. The kinetic energy increases at the expense of the fluid pressure, as shown by the difference in height of the two columns of water. Video of en...