김정은 어깨 손올리고, 리설주 보고 있는데도 팔짱..'핑크레이디'의 정체경제상식/Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료 2021. 9. 10. 17:16
https://news.v.daum.net/v/20210910141200952?x_trkm=t 김정은 어깨 손올리고, 리설주 보고 있는데도 팔짱..'핑크레이디'의 정체 북한이 지난 9일 자정 정권수립 기념일(9·9절) 73주년 열병식을 진행한 가운데 '핑크레이디' 리춘히 아나운서가 화제가 되고 있다. 올해 78세로 알려진 그는 고령의 나이에도 전달력과 호소력이 news.v.daum.net
Opinion: Firing Fed Chair Jerome Powell, as some progressives want, …경제상식/Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료 2021. 9. 7. 09:51
Opinion: Firing Fed Chair Jerome Powell, as some progressives want, would sabotage Biden’s agenda https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/09/06/firing-fed-chair-jerome-powell-bad-for-biden-agenda/
210825Impossible Foods,Beyond Meat battle to achieve price parity with real meat경제상식/Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료 2021. 9. 2. 18:41
https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/25/impossible-foods-beyond-meat-battle-price-parity-with-real-meat.html Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat battle to achieve price parity with real meat Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are perfecting plant-based meat products to have taste and texture similar to animal meat products, but costs are still high. www.cnbc.com
Analysis: War is over but not Biden’s Afghanistan challenges경제상식/Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료 2021. 8. 31. 19:11
https://apnews.com/article/europe-afghanistan-3684fd02c4bdc7c062cc7a141f720e72 Analysis: War is over but not Biden's Afghanistan challenges WASHINGTON (AP) — With the final stream of U.S. cargo planes soaring over the peaks of the Hindu Kush, President Joe Biden fulfilled a campaign promise to end America’s longest war , one it could not win. apnews.com
독일 총선21년9월26(일)~27(월)Germany Federal Election-한국시간으로 27일새벽1시에 선거종료경제상식/Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료 2021. 8. 31. 18:19
독일 총선에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다 투표일은 2021년 독일 연방의회 선거. 시작: 오후 3:00 9월 26일 일요일 종료: 오전 1:00 9월 27일 월요일 구글 출처 https://www.google.com/search?q=germany%20election&tbm= germany election - Google 검색 All polls, trends and election news for the German parliament Bundestag — CDU,CSU, GRÜNE, AfD, SPD, LINKE, FDP Umfragen presented by POLITICO Poll of Polls. www.google.com 선거 여론 조사 출처 https://www.politico.eu/europe-p..