RustPATH설정❤️source "$HOME/.cargo/env"★Linux★리눅스★/Linux★명령어★Ubuntu★command 2022. 12. 24. 16:44
Rust is installed now. Great! To get started you may need to restart your current shell. This would reload your PATH environment variable to include Cargo's bin directory ($HOME/.cargo/bin). To configure your current shell, run: source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
[linux] 리눅스 10가지 wget 명령어 사용법★Linux★리눅스★/Linux★명령어★Ubuntu★command 2022. 12. 24. 16:38
https://sisiblog.tistory.com/m/225 [linux] 리눅스 10가지 wget 명령어 사용법 참고: https://www.fastwebhost.in/blog/10-examples-of-linux-wget-command/ wget 명령어는 웹에서 파일 다운로드를 도와주는 리눅스 커맨드라인 유틸리티입니다. 이 명령어는 HTTP, HTTPS, FTP 프로토콜을 이용해 웹서 sisiblog.tistory.com
What is build-essential Ubuntu, how to install and use it?★Linux★리눅스★/Linux★명령어★Ubuntu★command 2022. 12. 23. 20:16
https://linuxhint.com/install-build-essential-ubuntu/ What is build-essential Ubuntu, how to install and use it? The build-essentials packages are meta-packages that are necessary for compiling software. They include the GNU debugger, g++/GNU compiler collection, and some more tools and libraries that are required to compile a program. For example, if you need to wor linuxhint.com
Linux Shells for Beginners – Bash, Zsh, and Fish Explained★Linux★리눅스★/Linux★명령어★Ubuntu★command 2022. 12. 17. 03:01
Linux Shells for Beginners – Bash, Zsh, and Fish Explained https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/linux-shells-explained/ Linux Shells for Beginners – Bash, Zsh, and Fish Explained When you open up your terminal, chances are that it uses Bash as its UNIX shell environment. But other "shell" environments exist. There are other environments such as the C Shell, Korn Shell, Z Shell, and even the Fish Sh..
Linux Networking Commands You Should Know as a Beginner★Linux★리눅스★/Linux★명령어★Ubuntu★command 2022. 12. 17. 00:55
https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/linux-networking-commands-for-beginners/ Linux Networking Commands You Should Know as a Beginner Can you imagine what it would be like to have a laptop but not to be able to access the internet? If you're a developer (or an aspiring one), you'll likely use the internet every day. So you should learn a few useful networking commands. To learn networkin www.freeco..
Windows에서 Ubuntu 듀얼 부팅하기 (dual/muti booting)★Linux★리눅스★/Linux★명령어★Ubuntu★command 2022. 12. 8. 18:46
https://wooriel.tistory.com/75 Windows에서 Ubuntu 듀얼 부팅하기 (dual/multi booting) 참고한 블로그 1, 블로그 2 (멀티부팅은 아님) Windows만 깔린 상태에서 ubuntu 20.04 버전을 설치하는 방법을 적어보려고 한다. [파티션 분할] 1. 왼쪽 하단의 윈도우 아이콘에서 우클릭 -> 실행 클릭 2. wooriel.tistory.com 우선 USB가 필요하다. ㅠㅠ 다른 방법 https://jimnong.tistory.com/676 우분투 리눅스 듀얼부팅 설치방법 정리(윈도우10/윈도우11 기준) 우분투 리눅스 다운로드 방법(Desktop 버전) 우분투 리눅스 설치용 USB 만드는 법(윈도우에서) 우분투 리눅스 설치용 USB 만드는 법(Ubun..