Low single로우 싱글(1~3%), Mid single 미드 싱글(4~6%), High single하이 싱글(7~9%)경제상식/재무제표_기업분석_상식Financial_Statement 2021. 8. 9. 22:36728x90
로우 싱글(1~3%)
미드 싱글(4~6%)
하이 싱글(7~9%)
1, 2, 3 -- low single digits
4, 5, 6 -- mid single digits
7, 8, 9 -- high single digits
https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/about-mid-single-digit-s-and-low-single-digits.1819047/About 'mid-single digit(s)' and 'low single digits'
This question is about the meanings of mid-single digit(s) ,low single digits and high single-digit. Here are the sentences they appeared in: 1,Last year,the industry was able to get increases in mid-single digits. Does 'mid-single digits' mean '5%'? 2,Car
https://m.blog.naver.com/jwleewhy/221690688206리포트 보실때 도움될 먄한 내용
https://blog.naver.com/jwleewhy/221679276089 주식시장에서 Ᏼ...
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