Rust용어)불변 변수(immutable variable) vs 가변 변수(mutable variable)코딩Coding/Rust용어 2021. 5. 9. 11:48728x90
Rust는 변수가 왜 불변이라는 걸까?
변수는 값이 바뀌는 것이고 상수는 값이 변하지 않는다고 배웠는데... Rust 언어의 온라인 문서(이하 Rust Book)를 읽으면서 기존의 프로그래밍 언어와 많이 달라진 개념을 하나씩 조금 다른 관점으
https://www.google.com/search?q=immutable%20variableimmutable variable - Google 검색
2017. 11. 13. · Most python objects (booleans, integers, floats, strings, and tuples) are immutable. This means that after you create the object and assign some ...
https://www.google.com/search?q=mutable%20variablemutable variable - Google 검색
Mutable is a type of variable that can be changed. In JavaScript, only objects and arrays are mutable, not primitive values. (You can make a variable name point to a new value, but the previous value is still held in memory.
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