하모닉패턴(Harmonic Pattern)경제상식/차트분석상식 2021. 4. 13. 11:01728x90
하모닉패턴테스터 엑셀파일 배포(하모닉패턴 감별 및 계산기)
어렵고 복잡하게만 보이던 하모닉패턴을초보자 분들은 물론 기존 패턴 활용자 분들도 좀
영문 설명
https://tradingstrategyguides.com/harmonic-pattern-trading-strategy/Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy - Easy Step By Step Guide
The Amazing Harmonic Pattern Trading Strategy will give you a whole new understanding of price action. This ability to repeat these intricate pattern is what makes the FX harmonic patterns so incredible.
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