국가별 제조업-서비스산업 고용인이던 및 비중 비교(미국은 서비스업 비중81.6%,2007년기준)&2018년기준경제상식/Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료 2021. 4. 2. 09:30728x90
2018년 기준
https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/economy/spotlight/economics-insights-analysis-07-2019.htmlChanging the lens: GDP from the industry viewpoint
With the US economy enjoying the longest sustained expansion in its history, it may be worthwhile to understand which industries are contributing the most to GDP and driving the recovery—and who are demanding these industries’ output.
반응형'경제상식 > Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료' 카테고리의 다른 글
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