Credit Suisse takes hit from U.S. hedge fund; warns of 'significant' losses해외_국내지수관련주요뉴스 2021. 3. 29. 16:12728x90
Credit Suisse takes hit from U.S. hedge fund; warns of 'significant' losses
https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/29/credit-suisse-exits-positions-with-hedge-fund-warns-of-losses.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboardCredit Suisse slides 10% at the open as it warns of 'significant' losses following U.S. hedge fund hit
Credit Suisse warned of a hit to its first-quarter results after it began exiting positions with a large U.S. hedge fund.
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