뇌파로 드론 조정함-대박EMOTIV기업정보/(미국)_기업실적 2020. 11. 22. 01:06728x90
EMOTIV | Brain Data Measuring Hardware and Software Solutions
Neurotech for the Global Community
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmotivEmotiv - Wikipedia
Emotiv Inc. is a privately held bio-informatics and technology company developing and manufacturing wearable electroencephalography (EEG) products including neuroheadsets, SDKs,[expand acronym] software, mobile apps, and data products. Founded in 2011 by T
https://www.google.com/search?q=emotivemotiv - Google 검색
Emotiv Inc. is a privately held bio-informatics and technology company developing and manufacturing wearable electroencephalography (EEG) products ... Founder: Tan Le (CEO), Geoff Mackellar (CTO) Products: EPOC+, Insight, software, and SDKs Headquarters:
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