[세기의 라이벌] 폴 볼커 vs 앨런 그린스펀(Alan Greenspan)인물상식 2020. 9. 11. 09:56728x90
앨런 그린스펀 - 나무위키
왁스맨: "Were you wrong?"그리스펀: "Well, partially. But let’s separate this problem into its component parts. I took a very strong position on the issue of derivatives and the efficacy of what they were doing for the economy as a whole, which in
https://www.hankyung.com/news/article/2012010517101[세기의 라이벌] 폴 볼커 vs 앨런 그린스펀
[세기의 라이벌] 폴 볼커 vs 앨런 그린스펀, 뉴스
반응형'인물상식' 카테고리의 다른 글
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