(Caterpillar)component reports 31% decline in revenue,CAT기업정보/(미국)_기업실적 2020. 8. 1. 15:13728x90
Shares of Caterpillar drop 2.8% after Dow component reports 31% decline in revenue
Shares of Caterpillar drop 2.8% after Dow component reports 31% decline in revenue https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/31/caterpillar-earnings-q2-2020.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboardShares of Caterpillar drop 2.8% after Dow component reports 31% decline in revenue
Caterpillar said cost reduction and prioritized spending helped it offset a $1.4 billion decline in dealer inventories.
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