How Linux Works, 3rd Edition: What Every Superuser Should Know코딩_Coding_Dev책_정리/BackEnd_WebDev. 2023. 7. 1. 11:59728x90
Brian Ward
How Linux Works, 3rd Edition: What Every Superuser Should Know
https://www.amazon.com/-/ko/dp/B07X7S1JMB/ref=zg_m_bs_g_16977250011_sccl_11/141-0419227-2161754?psc=1Amazon.com: How Linux Works, 3rd Edition: What Every Superuser Should Know eBook : Ward, Brian: Kindle Store
About the Publisher No Starch Press has published the finest in geek entertainment since 1994, creating both timely and timeless titles like Python Crash Course, Python for Kids, How Linux Works, and Hacking: The Art of Exploitation. An independent, San Fr
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