WebAssembly: 웹을 위한 새로운 개발 패러다임-웹에 사용하는 낮은 수준의 고성능 바이너리 형식으로, Rust, C++, Swift, Dart, Kotlin 등의 언어를 통해 컴파일할 수 있습니다.코딩Coding/WebAssembly웹신기술_Assembly_Wasm 2023. 6. 13. 16:35728x90
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WebAssembly (aka WASM) - managed memory language support
WASM now supports Kotlin and Dart, extending its benefit of reaching new customers on the web with native performance while reusing existing code, to Android and Flutter developers.반응형'코딩Coding > WebAssembly웹신기술_Assembly_Wasm' 카테고리의 다른 글
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