8-bit game만들기코딩Coding/★★Game★★Coding★★_Dev. 2023. 5. 29. 09:46728x90
GitHub - EngineersNeedArt/Adam74: Small ASCII terminal for hobbyist 8-bit computers. Uses Teensy and ILI9341-based LCD display.
Small ASCII terminal for hobbyist 8-bit computers. Uses Teensy and ILI9341-based LCD display. - GitHub - EngineersNeedArt/Adam74: Small ASCII terminal for hobbyist 8-bit computers. Uses Teensy and ...
Same Stop: 애플에서 프로그래머로 26년 일한 뒤의 삶 | GeekNews
애플에서 26년 일하고 1년반 전에 은퇴프로그래밍을 쉰 것은 은퇴 후 약 4달 정도만파이썬을 배우고, e-Ink 디스플레이를 가지고 놀기 위해서 작은 프로젝트를 시작다시 프로그래밍을 시작했지만,
Same Stop
Same Stop 21 May 2023 I retired a year and a half ago after having worked for twenty-six years as a programmer for Apple. I’m not sure which would have been more surprising: if I had continued programming in my spare time after I had retired or if I nev
반응형'코딩Coding > ★★Game★★Coding★★_Dev.' 카테고리의 다른 글
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