책) C++20 - The Complete Guide: First Edition코딩_Coding_Dev책_정리/C++&_C언어_Coding_Book 2023. 5. 17. 11:23728x90
Nicolai M. Josuttis
C++20 - The Complete Guide: First Edition
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All the new language and library features of C++20 (for those who know the previous versions of C++).
C++20 is the next evolution in modern C++ programming, now supported by major C++ compilers. However, C++20 is huge. It will change the way we program more dramatically than C++11 did. Combining new features gives you even more power. However, not everything is self-explanatory and there are hidden traps. Therefore, it is key to understand all the concepts of C++20 and learn how to benefit best반응형'코딩_Coding_Dev책_정리 > C++&_C언어_Coding_Book' 카테고리의 다른 글
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