Wasm-based Spin 1.0 released to address ‘limitations of serverless’코딩Coding/WebAssembly웹신기술_Assembly_Wasm 2023. 3. 31. 22:02728x90
Wasm-based Spin 1.0 released to address ‘limitations of serverless’
https://devclass.com/2023/03/29/wasm-based-spin-1-0-released-to-address-limitations-of-serverless/Wasm-based Spin 1.0 released to address 'limitations of serverless' • DEVCLASS
Fermyon has released Spin 1.0, the first stable version of its open source tool for compiling applications to WebAssembly for serverless deployment. Developers can code in languages including Rust, TypeScript, Python, Go and C#, and deploy to the platform
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