Rust❤️wgpu is a cross-platform, safe, pure-rust graphics api.코딩Coding/★Rust★Crates.io★ 2023. 2. 16. 18:38728x90
wgpu is a cross-platform, safe, pure-rust graphics api. It runs natively on Vulkan, Metal, D3D12, D3D11, and OpenGLES; and on top of WebGPU on wasm.
https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpuGitHub - gfx-rs/wgpu: Safe and portable GPU abstraction in Rust, implementing WebGPU API.
Safe and portable GPU abstraction in Rust, implementing WebGPU API. - GitHub - gfx-rs/wgpu: Safe and portable GPU abstraction in Rust, implementing WebGPU API.
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