Rust로 만든❤️helix-editor❤️A post-modern modal text editor.러스트Rust로_만든프로그램_IDE_Terminal_warp/Helix_text_editor 2023. 2. 14. 17:44728x90
GitHub - helix-editor/helix: A post-modern modal text editor.
A post-modern modal text editor. Contribute to helix-editor/helix development by creating an account on GitHub.
내 Helix editor setting
vim키로 세팅함
당연히 다른 사람이 세탕한거에 내가 약간 더 추가함
https://github.com/YoungHaKim7/rust_vim_settingGitHub - YoungHaKim7/rust_vim_setting: My Youtube Channel - GlobalYoung https://www.youtube.com/@GlobalYoung7
My Youtube Channel - GlobalYoung https://www.youtube.com/@GlobalYoung7 - GitHub - YoungHaKim7/rust_vim_setting: My Youtube Channel - GlobalYoung https://www.youtube.com/@GlobalYoung7
config.toml에서 추가
:open-config 하면 열림theme = "solarized_dark" [editor] line-number = "relative" mouse = false color-modes = true cursorline = true [editor.indent-guides] render = true character = "¦" [editor.lsp] display-messages = true [editor.cursor-shape] insert = "bar" normal = "block" select = "underline" [editor.file-picker] hidden = false # At most one section each of 'keys.normal', 'keys.insert' and 'keys.select' [keys.normal] a = ["append_mode", "collapse_selection"] # w = "move_line_up" # Maps the 'w' key move_line_up g = { a = "code_action" } # Maps `ga` to show possible code actions C-a = "increment" C-x = "decrement" "backspace" = { c = ":sh cargo run", t = ":sh cargo nextest run", r = ":reload", f = ":format", s = ":w", l = ":log-open", g = ":sh gcc -Wall -Wextra -ggdb -o main main.c -lm", d = ":sh rm -rf main main.dSYM", n = ":sh touch .gitignore", k = ":sh clang++ -Wall -Wetra -std=c++17 main.cpp -o main", a = ":sh clang -pthread -lm -Wall -Wextra -ggdb -o main main.c", x = ":sh chmod +x build.sh" } # Muscle memory "{" = ["goto_prev_paragraph", "collapse_selection"] "}" = ["goto_next_paragraph", "collapse_selection"] 0 = "goto_line_start" "$" = "goto_line_end" "^" = "goto_first_nonwhitespace" G = "goto_file_end" "%" = "match_brackets" V = ["select_mode", "extend_to_line_bounds"] C = [ "collapse_selection", "extend_to_line_end", "change_selection", ] # Requires https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/issues/2051#issuecomment-1140358950 D = ["extend_to_line_end", "delete_selection"] S = [ "goto_first_nonwhitespace", "collapse_selection", "extend_to_line_end", "change_selection", ] # Would be nice to be able to do something after this but it isn't chainable s = ["delete_selection", "insert_mode"] # Extend and select commands that expect a manual input can't be chained # I've kept d[X] commands here because it's better to at least have the stuff you want to delete # selected so that it's just a keystroke away to delete d = { x = [ "delete_selection", ], d = [ "extend_to_line_bounds", "delete_selection", ], t = [ "extend_till_char", ], s = [ "surround_delete", ], S = [ "surround_add", ], i = [ "select_textobject_inner", ], a = [ "select_textobject_around", ] } # Clipboards over registers ye ye x = [ "yank_main_selection_to_clipboard", "normal_mode", "flip_selections", "collapse_selection", "delete_selection", ] p = "paste_clipboard_after" P = "paste_clipboard_before" # Would be nice to add ya and yi, but the surround commands can't be chained y = [ "yank_main_selection_to_clipboard", "normal_mode", "flip_selections", "collapse_selection", ] Y = [ "extend_to_line_bounds", "yank_main_selection_to_clipboard", "goto_line_start", "collapse_selection", ] # Uncanny valley stuff, this makes w and b behave as they do Vim w = ["move_next_word_start", "move_char_right", "collapse_selection"] e = ["move_next_word_end", "collapse_selection"] b = ["move_prev_word_start", "collapse_selection"] [keys.insert] j = { k = "normal_mode", space = "extend_line" } # Maps `jk` to exit insert mode [keys.select] # Muscle memory "{" = ["extend_to_line_bounds", "goto_prev_paragraph"] "}" = ["extend_to_line_bounds", "goto_next_paragraph"] 0 = "goto_line_start" "$" = "goto_line_end" "^" = "goto_first_nonwhitespace" G = "goto_file_end" D = ["extend_to_line_bounds", "delete_selection", "normal_mode"] C = ["goto_line_start", "extend_to_line_bounds", "change_selection"] "%" = "match_brackets" # S = "surround_add" # Basically 99% of what I use vim-surround for # Visual-mode specific muscle memory i = "select_textobject_inner" a = "select_textobject_around" # x = "delete_selection" # Some extra binds to allow us to insert/append in select mode because it's nice with multiple cursors tab = [ "insert_mode", "collapse_selection", ] # tab is read by most terminal editors as "C-i" # C-a = ["append_mode", "collapse_selection"] # Make selecting lines in visual mode behave sensibly k = ["extend_line_up", "extend_to_line_bounds"] j = ["extend_line_down", "extend_to_line_bounds"] # Clipboards over registers ye ye d = ["yank_main_selection_to_clipboard", "delete_selection"] x = ["delete_selection"] y = [ "yank_main_selection_to_clipboard", "normal_mode", "flip_selections", "collapse_selection", ] Y = [ "extend_to_line_bounds", "yank_main_selection_to_clipboard", "goto_line_start", "collapse_selection", "normal_mode", ] p = "replace_selections_with_clipboard" # No life without this P = "paste_clipboard_before" # Escape the madness! No more fighting with the cursor! Or with multiple cursors! esc = ["collapse_selection", "keep_primary_selection", "normal_mode"]
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내 Youtube콘텐츠 정리
https://github.com/YoungHaKim7/YouTubeContents_GlobalYoungGitHub - YoungHaKim7/YouTubeContents_GlobalYoung: My Youtube Channel - GlobalYoung https://www.youtube.com/@GlobalYoung7
My Youtube Channel - GlobalYoung https://www.youtube.com/@GlobalYoung7 - GitHub - YoungHaKim7/YouTubeContents_GlobalYoung: My Youtube Channel - GlobalYoung https://www.youtube.com/@GlobalYoung7
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