Rust버젼Control💕rust-toolchain을 만든 후에코딩Coding/Rust❤️Optimization❤️ 2023. 1. 6. 22:15728x90
# If you see this, run `rustup self update` to get rustup 1.23 or newer. # NOTE: above comment is for older `rustup` (before TOML support was added), # which will treat the first line as the toolchain name, and therefore show it # to the user in the error, instead of "error: invalid channel name '[toolchain]'". [toolchain] channel = "nightly-2021-12-04" components = ["rust-src", "rustc-dev", "llvm-tools-preview"]
예시 Github
GitHub - Rust-GPU/Rust-CUDA: Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing fast GPU code fully in Rust.
Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing fast GPU code fully in Rust. - GitHub - Rust-GPU/Rust-CUDA: Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing fast GPU code fully...
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